Writer Hi I'm Mona and I'm currently 21. This blog doesn't really have a theme to it - just the daily happenings of my life. Nobody really visits this site but if you do, well then you might be lost. laughs.

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Monday, January 30, 2017
Working from the inside out

So the CNY season has rolled around again. This means visiting, talking to relatives and realizing where you stand in the foodchain of all your relatives.

It can be pretty hard always attempting to stand out in any way you can. I've tried numerous times to be good at something but it always bites me back somehow. Yes, I know you've heard this rhetoric of mine about a billion times. But as I keep getting older, I find myself asking exactly what skill or what I can be good at. Friends always tell me i'm a nice person. This translates as you're just good at making friends, and not much else. That is partially true though. Know someone who needs to print shirts? I can link him up. Someone who needs a performance or an opening act? I know a couple of friends who sing on the side. Need someone to volunteer? I have a bunch of groups who love doing those stuff.

And yet everytime something like this happens, I die a little inside knowing that I have such beautiful and talented friends that surround me. And then there's just me. The "a bit fat fat" girl.

But right now I'm going to work on losing weight and gaining some self-esteem. So I'm going to put this out there and hold myself accountable to it.

Steps to being able to be proud of myself:
1. Drink water.
2. No food after 8pm. Only water
3. Coffee and tea permitted sparingly. For all else, drink warm water. Lemon and honey allowed for flavouring
4. Go for long walks 2-3 times a week. 30mins. If you bump into anyone you know, walk faster and in the opposite direction.
5. Reduce food intake portion-wise
6. No carbohydrates for lunch and dinner [This is going to hurt the most]
7. No cream. This includes creamy soups or any coffee with heavy creams.
8. No alcohol. Limit to once a month AT MOST.

Always water in first before any food touches the lips. Portion contol. And of course, limit eating out to prevent overeating or otherwise. Hopefully I'll start picking up better snacking habits too.

Mona ♥ Monday, January 30, 2017 link to post 0 comments