Thursday, February 7, 2019
2019 First Post
Well, what a whirlwind it has been - this blog has followed me from my post-As all the way into the working world. (Yes, hold the applause, I actually managed to graduate)
So, what has been going on with this girl who used to be so full of emotions and up and downs in Uni? Well she started her 2nd job this year in the HR field. But enough about me - I'm just going to do a quick update so future me can see this and see what's been happening to present me.
- Started a job right after Uni - hated it but truly found valuable colleagues
- Started a second job after quitting - still learning and feeling great so far
- Friends - kept the close ones and let the toxic ones fade away
- Money - definitely better now that I'm actually earning some
- Weight - losing a little, gaining a little, happy in my skin for the most parts
- Family - learning to treasure the bonds as age teaches me family truly is the closest thing you can have
- Love - Found someone and love him to bits. We aren't perfect together but meh fuck perfection
2019 is starting out great so far - maybe if I have time to sit down and reflect on 2018, it'll be an interesting way to see how much has changed. I wouldn't sweat it too much though, what's past is past but today is a gift - that's why they call it the present, after all.
Mona ♥
Thursday, February 07, 2019
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